Old Silo Sangria

Sangria Recipe

There are so many ways to enjoy Old Silo Wines! They pair with your favorite foods and desserts and are the perfect compliment to your “me time.” One way to enjoy Old Silo Wines that you might not have thought of is as a base to a delicious Sangria! Sangria is easy to make and perfect for hot summer days. We like Blackberry Merlot as our base, but we highly suggest experimenting with all of our small-batch wines! Grab a bottle of wine and get ready to unwind with Old Silo Sangria.

1 bottle of Blackberry Merlot – Or another of your favorite Old Silo Winery wines. A medium-body red is always a good way to go for homemade Sangria.

1 cup of your favorite fruit, sliced – We like apples, oranges, and strawberries! But you can also try limes, blueberries, watermelon, or even pineapple!

1/4 C of brandy – Or try a little Grand Marnier for a subtle orange flavor.

Sugar to taste – Start with just a pinch and add up to 1 tablespoon. Remember you can always add more, but you can’t take it away once it’s mixed in there.

Directions – Place all your fruit at the bottom of a large pitcher. Pour in your wine and brandy, or other liqueur. Stir to combine. Add sugar pinch by pinch to taste. Refrigerate your pitcher for a few hours so it’s well chilled. For a little extra something, add a cup of sparkling water just before serving for a little fizz!